More than just another planting day

The impact of volunteering is very much a two-way street. You can bet your bottom dollar that you will be getting just as much from the experience as the people or planet you are helping. Our mate Rylee was roped into tree planting out at Te Nohoaka o Tukiauau - Sinclair Wetlands and despite being a measly 6 degrees and raining, social impact yet again stole another heart. Lucky for us, she has shared a glimpse of the kind of impact this planting day had on her.

“Obviously we were going there to plant trees to help restore the wetlands and while it is such a beautiful site in itself, it was pretty awesome to come away with some knowledge about the history of the wetlands. Being Māori myself, it was really valuable to hear that they’re not only telling the Māori history of the site but that they’re also upholding this history and values in their work today. I definitely think knowing that they’re not only restoring the environment but also the culture and history has made me feel more connected and involved, has made me realise that there is so much more behind just the image you see and that so much can be done for it.”

“I feel like I’ve given back to the whenua and, with that, the people as well. It feels incredibly empowering to know I’ve done something that is helping out both now and for the future. Although I feel like I’ve given a lot to this experience, I’ve gained more - meeting new people and making new friends, feeling empowered and connected to the people and land around me and also the want and need to do more in terms of volunteering.”

And that my friends, is a prime example that there is so much more to a planting day.

Otago Unicrew