Salma Abdalla

Name: Salma Abdalla 

Current year of study and degree: 4th year Pharmacy student 

Hometown: Palmy North, New Zealand

Passionate about: Human connection, community, sports, health equity and health literacy, exploring the world, languages, mental health, uplifting others, mindfulness, learning from each other.

Favourite book? ‘Golden Earrings’ by Belinda Alexandra. This book made me fall in love with reading when I started high school. The story moves between 2 cities: Barcelona in the lead up to the Civil War and Paris in the 1970s. It follows two women who go to such extremes for love and experience the ultimate betrayals. If you’re a fan of history, romance, dancing and mystery, this would be a good book to pick up!

What is at the top of your bucket list? I really want to skydive!! I don’t think anything can compare to the ultimate thrill and excitement you feel when jumping out of a moving plane. Haven’t been able to convince the parents but that’s a mission that I’m willing to accomplish…

Go-to podcast? Would probably be ‘The Psychology of Your 20s’. I find it super comforting hearing someone talk about a lot of the struggles that someone in their 20s may experience but don’t really have an opportunity to talk about.

Otago Unicrew