Hugh and Henry
Name: Hugh Askerud
Study year and degree: 3rd-year bachelor of arts majoring in politics and religious studies
Hometown: Dunners
What skill would you like to master? Sailing and fishing - crafting my hermit skills
Fav way to destress?
Holding a piece of creamy caramel Whittakers in my mouth until the chocolate coating breaks down and the caramel explodes in my mouth
Fav book?
Breath by Tom Winton - it’s about being young while feeling like you are immortal and grappling with the consequences of this
Name: Henry Briscoe
Study year and degree: 3rd year bachelor of arts majoring in PPE
Hometown: Queenstown
Passionate about: Too many things! Music, drama, politics, social issues... can’t even keep track of everything!
What is your outlet to express you and your personality?
Definitely music - especially singing and songwriting
Best lazy dinner for one?
Got to be pesto pasta - fry up some mushrooms while the pasta is cooking and it’s divine