Love, Lucy
Dear UniCrew,
What a time! Back in 2016 I took on the newly formed role as videographer. Film and photography have always been passions of mine, and to know that I could apply these skills to something bigger than my own amateur artistic endeavours was very exciting. I still remember the feeling when I found out I’d be a part of the UniCrew core team - I was over the moon and eager to start creating.
Reflecting on my time, the projects that really stand out for me are the ones that took me out into the heart of a community to speak directly with people involved in a cause. Connecting personally with those who work tirelessly behind the scenes to improve their community really opened my mind to our capacity as humans to care and dedicate ourselves to something bigger than ourselves. I distinctly remember visiting the night shelter and hearing from the director about how she got involved and what motivates her. I sat down and recorded a candid conversation with her about the reality of the shelter. Her perfectly balanced staunch, yet deeply kind approach to running the shelter will stick with me. The video recording was then shared in the lead-up to the Dunedin Sleepout to help garner support for the shelter. It felt pretty special to be able to make visible the work and characters that drive such important positive change in the city.
I loved making tangible, and promoting all of the amazing work happening across Ōtepoti at the time, which helped to attract new students to UniCrew and grow our positive impact. As a Marketing Management student, my role with UniCrew also aligned really nicely with my degree which was a great bonus.
Through my time with UniCrew I learnt about the power of imagery in rallying support for a cause. I was then lucky enough to apply these skills beyond University when I scored a dream job as an outreach and education intern with the Department of Conservation (to promote local, community-led projects). I received this first “real” job directly as a result of the skill set and video portfolio I’d developed, through UniCrew, and for that I am immensely grateful.
UniCrew gave me the confidence to use my skills in a meaningful way (and even set me on the path to future employment). The experience acted as a springboard for me to try things out and then propelled me to other amazing opportunities that otherwise may not have been open to me. Ultimately, UniCrew kindled a belief in myself that my creative pursuits can go beyond being just a hobby and be a tool for good.
Thanks UniCrew and Sze-En for everything!
Love Lucy