Love, Josie

Hey yall my name is Josie and I am a 23 year old gal currently living in the big smoke working full time. I graduated this year from Otago with a double degree in BCom marketing and BSc in Genetics. 

In my final year of study I was a student lead for Silverline – the campus initiative to promote mental health. Silverline was something I had always kinda seen from a distance but never saw myself getting amongst as my head was so big, and as a privileged basic white girl I thought that mental health would never affect me or my close circle. I was incredibly wrong though, and in my final year of study I applied on a mad whim. Like the day before applications shut. 

I remember being kinda nervous to tell my friends I was in silverline as I always thought they would think it was nerdy but I was actually so surprised and warmed when they all told me how cool they thought it was, and how awesome it was. And a lot of them actually opened up to me which was incredible 

I am the person I am today because of Silverline. Never before have I interacted with such a diverse group of people – I guess in university it’s so easy to stick in your bubble. And mine was well and truly popped. And because of this I’m so much more confident in my professional career.

It was something I didn’t even know I needed but I’m so grateful to have found this space. In my job I have to interact with different people every day, and often they’re not people in your immediate friend circle. And as part of growing as a person you have to interact with people outside your zone. 

The social impact studio is unlike anything I’ve ever experienced on campus. It’s not this life-sucking hell hole focused on assignments and grades. It’s this vibrant colourful space where your mind can be opened, and it’s sooo much more with the times. Neon lights should be everywhere. Aesthetics are everything people. They’re free mood boosters. This aesthetics always leave a lasting memory on me. In particular, the way we transformed the boring space that is St David’s into this magical atmosphere with flower walls, cotton ball clouds, mood lights, curtains, and actually created a space where people could be their true selves. It was honestly incredible seeing the student support, and also the student’s surprise when they realised that this wasn’t your ordinary lecture hall! 

I’ll also never forgot the INAB flat chats we did – rocking up to some of the biggest breather flats in Dunedin, and seeing how much they actually gave a shit about mental health, and their mates mental health. 

Thanks for all the growth Silverline, I love you xx

Otago Unicrew